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Speakers Bureau

[title align=”center”]Khedive Speakers Bureau[/title]


Khedive Speakers Bureau gives presentations on the Shrine Hospital Program that are 20 minutes, and if they show a patient video the presentation will be 30 minutes. They furnish the A-V equipment and brochures on the Shrine Hospital Program. You can contact Khedive Shrine at 757-420-4510 or you can contact the individual members of the Speakers Bureau to set up a speaking engagement for your group or organization.

[title size=”2″]Members of Speakers Bureau[/title]

Chairman Wayne Kelly


Cliff Atkinson

Mark Cook

Kevin Dawkins

Jody Dudley

Gerry Frey

Leon Stocks

[title size=”2″]Contact Khedive Speakers Bureau[/title]

You can contact Khedive Shrine at 757-420-4510 or you can contact them by using the form below to set up a speaking engagement for your group or organization.

[iphorm id=”8″ name=”Speakers Bureau Contact”]
